
A first LIDEX sold in Sweden 

VEOLIA RECYCLING SOLUTIONS SWEDEN went to Caudan to receive its first COPEX LIDEX scrap shear. This machine will be installed in Göteborg. 

The LIDEX purchased by VEOLIA, with a cutting force of 1000 tons, has a body of 8 x 2 m and an electric motor of 3 x 110 kW. It has been specially designed to meet the specific needs of the treatment of oxy-fuel scrap from industry in the Falköping region. 

Very impressed by the machine, Mr Wadstedt, representative of VEOLIA commented: “COPEX has delivered on what they promised in terms of robust design as well as speed of operation. You did a great job! ”. Once the tests were completed at the factory, a sense of pride in the work well done was sheared by COPEX and the customer, who saw his confidence rewarded. 

This is not the first COPEX shear in Sweden but the first LIDEX that will certainly swarm around. Two other COPEX scrap shears with 630 tons of cutting force are already in operation with other customers in Oxelösund and Malmö. 

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